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  • TNHH Westernfarm
Trái cây miền Tây
Trái cây miền tây


Surpassing the strict agricultural standards of your country, Western Farm's export avocados are proud to set foot in the Russian fasting market, especially supermarket chains with a variety of goods.

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  • : 4/27/2021 1:33:00 PM

Surpassing the strict agricultural standards of your country, Western Farm's export avocados are proud to set foot in the Russian fasting market, especially supermarket chains with a variety of goods.
One of the conditions for bringing agricultural products for export into supermarkets is that the tested agricultural products must meet strict quality standards.

Previously, avocados were grown in Lam Dong, Dak Lak, Dong Nai,... where the climate is cool, the soil drains well. Thanks to the application of modern science and technology, avocados have appeared in gardeners in the Mekong Delta region, becoming one of the favorite agricultural products in the country and internationally.

With high economic value, many gardeners have turned to growing avocados to increase income. With the nutrients found in avocados, this agricultural product is not only a mere dish, but also processed into a variety of drinking waters such as smoothies, healthy foods,... and highly applied in the pharmaceutical – cosmetic industry.
In order to grow avocado varieties in the West, farmers need to have special in-depth experience to handle climate and pest problems well,... meet the standards of clean agricultural products, exported to foreign markets.
Western Farm home export avocados are harvested from March to August every year.
With a wealth of experience in the field of export, as well as fully meeting the facilities, procurement, processing and packaging lines of agricultural products at the factory, Western Farm agricultural products are increasingly receiving trust and love from your country's markets.
In the coming time, Western Farm strives to expand the market, bringing more western agricultural products into supermarket chains, affirming the prestige of Vietnamese agricultural products around the world.

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