Trái cây miền Tây

Trái cây tươi, sạch và an toàn ở miền Tây.

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  • TNHH Westernfarm
Trái cây miền Tây
Trái cây miền tây


In early 2020, on the momentum of world economic growth, Vietnam contributed to make its mark in the export categories of agricultural, forestry and fishery products. The covid-19 pandemic has exploded, global distancing makes it more difficult than ever to transport goods when it comes to strictly meeting international quality requirements.

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  • : 4/27/2021 3:54:00 PM

In early 2020, on the momentum of world economic growth, Vietnam contributed to make its mark in the export categories of agricultural, forestry and fishery products. The covid-19 pandemic has exploded, global distancing makes it more difficult than ever to transport goods when it comes to strictly meeting international quality requirements.

Western agricultural products, including Dong Thap agricultural products, face a great challenge: both competing with agricultural exporting countries such as Brazil, Thailand and India,... while ensuring the quality standards of clean agricultural products, meeting the strict requirements of the world market.


To do this, Western Farm understands, the flexible, smooth operation, the standard process between 03 stages of production – processing – consumption of agricultural products is very important and necessary.

Right from the stage of cultivation and production, Western Farm always accompanys with garden farmers, applying rigorously advanced scientific and technical processes that are researched by the Southern Fruit Research Institute, Ho Chi Minh City University of Agriculture and Forestry. Ho Chi Minh City has been researching and thoroughly solving the problem of pests and diseases, contributing to ensuring that agricultural products export "clean from the root", bringing high nutritional value.


"Thanks to product quality" – Western Farm - Western Agricultural Products brand, not only satisfied close partners from Russia, Japan, Singapore,... but also opened many new export markets such as Chi Le, Europe,... Ensuring help output, give farmers peace of mind, increase production in the middle of the pandemic; contributing to bringing Dong Thap agricultural products to the international market.


At the end of 2020, Vietnam's export value of agriculture, forestry and fishery reached the 2nd place in Southeast Asia and 15th in the world.

Customers and partners wishing to contact for cooperation please contact:

WESTERNFARM An Dinh Hamlet Co., Ltd., An Binh commune, Cao Lanh district, Dong Thap

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