Trái cây miền Tây

Trái cây tươi, sạch và an toàn ở miền Tây.

  • Công ty
  • TNHH Westernfarm
Trái cây miền Tây
Trái cây miền tây


2020 marks many events in Vietnam, as well as around the world. Vietnam's export value of agricultural, forestry and fishery products has improved greatly, achieving the 2nd place in Southeast Asia and 15th in the world.

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  • : 4/27/2021 2:15:00 PM

2020 marks many events in Vietnam, as well as around the world. Vietnam's export value of agricultural, forestry and fishery products has improved greatly, achieving the 2nd place in Southeast Asia and 15th in the world.
To achieve this, before the Covid-19 vaccine was widely vaccinated around the world, in addition to the continuous efforts to control the epidemic of the whole country, the rapid recovery of the system of companies and businesses also contributed significantly to the growth of Vietnam's GDP.

Right in the middle of the pandemic, thanks to the steady experience of key members in the export sector, Western Farm always maintains the spirit and 100% of farmers to increase production; The more difficult the market, the more it must improve the quality and prestige of agricultural products, ensuring 02 prerequisites:
+ Output for agricultural products of relatives, ensuring stable income, peace of mind to overcome the pandemic.
+ Strengthening the search and expansion of overseas markets, long-term links with existing markets, committing TO CLEAN – PRESTIGE – QUALITY AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS.
All stages from cultivation, production, processing and transportation are strictly moderated by Western Farm. Determined to bring the best agricultural products to difficult markets around the world.
In early 2021, Western Farm clean agricultural products have set foot in major markets: Russia, USA, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong. Affirming the partner's trust in Western Farm's agricultural products for export, as well as its commitment to long-term exports.
Currently, Western Farm exports a variety of agricultural products: mango sand zhou, mango sand, guava, rambutan, mangosteen, chili, banana leaves, tamarind, banana corn,...

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