Trái cây miền Tây

Trái cây tươi, sạch và an toàn ở miền Tây.

  • Công ty
  • TNHH Westernfarm
Trái cây miền Tây
Trái cây miền tây


In Dong Thap, guava is grown in four seasons, with a variety of types: guava peppers, red gut guava, guava, peach guava, turmeric ... Guava is rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Manganese, quercetin, lycopene and other polyphenols. , ... This Western agricultural product improves eyesight, heart health, antioxidants, reduces cancer risk, ..., supports the digestive system, lowers blood pressure, is good for the skin and helps to lose weight. ...

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  • : 4/27/2021 3:23:00 PM

Referring to the nutritional value of agricultural products, Guava - an extremely easy fruit to grow in the tropical climate of Vietnam, but back has a multitude of useful uses for human health.
In harsh nature, climate change has significant impacts on human health. To adapt to the weather, people look to functional foods, vitamins, fruits, vegetables, ... to supplement and improve the body's resistance.
In Dong Thap, guava is grown in four seasons, with a variety of types: guava peppers, red gut guava, guava, peach guava, turmeric ... Guava is rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Manganese, quercetin, lycopene and other polyphenols. , ... This Western agricultural product improves eyesight, heart health, antioxidants, reduces cancer risk, ..., supports the digestive system, lowers blood pressure, is good for the skin and helps to lose weight. ...

Because of its extremely high nutritional value, guava has become one of the most popular agricultural export products in the following markets: Russia, America, Japan, Korea, and Hong Kong.

Although it is easy to grow, Western Farm always closely checks, applies the most advanced science and technology, coordinates with farmers, controls pests, ensures clean agricultural products - high quality, meets standards. agricultural standards.
To achieve this, it is the efforts of the whole team, as well as the advice of leading experts in the field of agriculture in Vietnam: Southern Fruit Research Institute, University of Agriculture and Forestry City. HCM City.
With the aim of bringing quality Vietnamese agricultural products to international friends, Western Farm constantly improves production process day and night, meeting the increasing demand of the world clean agricultural market.

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