Trái cây miền Tây

Trái cây tươi, sạch và an toàn ở miền Tây.

  • Công ty
  • TNHH Westernfarm
Trái cây miền Tây
Trái cây miền tây


Besides finding new export markets, bringing high value to homegrown agricultural products; Westernfarm exploits the domestic market to the fullest, promoting the model of direct association with farmers to ensure the quality criteria of clean agricultural products from the "origin".

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  • : 5/17/2021 11:44:00 AM

Besides finding new export markets, bringing high value to homegrown agricultural products; Westernfarm exploits the domestic market to the fullest, promoting the model of direct association with farmers to ensure the quality criteria of clean agricultural products from the "origin".

Together with farmers to create a clean brand

With the desire to make clean agricultural products for export to the world market, as well as understand the situation of small and fragmented production, farmers cannot find output for agricultural products. Westernfarm has promoted the model of direct association with farmers to export clean agricultural products.

Together with farmers, Westernfarm has gradually built up a safe production process, thereby limiting the use of chemical fertilizers, solving pest problems without affecting the quality of agricultural products.

Therefore, this model of linking production with consumption has contributed to building a brand for Vietnamese agricultural products. Not only contributing to protecting the health of domestic consumers, but also improving the value of key products for export to demanding markets around the world.

The new direction has contributed to making people more excited about producing clean agricultural products to meet export requirements and bring economic value to households.

Don't worry about the output

With the advantage of seasonal agricultural production, Westernfarm now also focuses on producing all kinds of mangoes, vegetables, lemongrass, lemons, peppers, ... all stages from cultivation, production, processing. and shipping are strictly censored to ensure the most nutritional value reaches customers.

Although each country sets strict requirements on the quality of agricultural products, Westernfarm has built a safe production process. Thereby ensuring the output for their agricultural products, but also improving the quality of Vietnamese agricultural products on the world market.

In early 2021, Westernfarm's clean agricultural products have set foot in major markets such as Russia, Japan, the US, Korea, and Hong Kong. Affirming the trust of farmers as well as the above partners for Vietnamese agricultural products.

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